BPS2024 Full Program & Abstracts
975-Plat 12:00 pm TWISTING TALES: THE EMERGENT TWIST IN FILOPODIA DYNAMICS AND ITS ROLE IN CELLULAR FUNCTION. Poul M. Bendix , Natascha Leijnse, Younes F. Barooji, Mohammad Reza R. Arastoo, Stine Lauritzen Sønder, Bram Verhagen, Lena Wullkopf, Janine Erler, Szabolcs Semsey, Lene B. Oddershede, am in Doostmohammadi 976-Plat 12:15 pm INVESTIGATING SWIMMING BEHAVIOR OF DRUGGED WATER FLEAS. Moumita Dasgupta , Leon Armbruster, Edwin Panora, Francesca Savio, Matthew L Beckman 977-FlashTalk 12:30 pm SYNCHROTRON X-RAY FLUORESCENCE UNRAVELS THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND LIGHT ON ELEMENTAL INCORPORATION INTO E. HUXLEYI COCCOLITH MATRIX AT NANOMETER RESOLUTION. Cory Flavin , Tom Marchitto, Ajith Pattammattel, Yong Chu, Michael Toney, Anushree Chatterjee 978-FlashTalk 12:35 pm ROLE OF ELASTICITY OF ADHESION BONDS IN THE MECHANOSENSITIVE CELL BEHAVIOUR. Liu Ping, Qiuyu Wang, Mingxi Yao, Artem K. Efremov 979-FlashTalk 12:40 pm BIOPHYSICAL MODELING DEFINES AN OPTIMAL HYBRID amOEBOID MESENCHYMAL PHENOTYPE FOR T CELL MIGRATION. Roberto Alonso Matilla , Paolo P. Provenzano, David J. Odde Annual Meeting of the Student Chapters 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, Room 111AB Join BPS Student Chapters from all over the world for this networking opportunity and workshop. Attendees will meet Student Chapter of ficers and representatives and learn about each chapter. The interactive workshop aims to establish chapter interactions, communications, and collaboration between Student Chapters. Moderator Yadilette Rivera-Colón, Bay Path University, USA Exhibitor Presentation Nanion Technologies 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Room 103C High Fidelity Electrophysiology: From Single Channels to High Through put and Transporters In-Between Speaker: Tim Strassmaier, Director of Scientific Operations, Nanion Technologies Inc For over 20 years, Nanion Technologies has been providing diverse solu tions for electrophysiologists worldwide. We aim to successfully imple ment innovative technologies in the fields of ion channel automated patch clamp (APC) electrophysiology, monitoring of cell viability and contraction, as well as electrogenic transporters, with various through put capabilities. This year, our symposium will start with an introduc tion by Dr. Tim Strassmaier (Director of Scientific Operations, Nanion Technologies Inc.) who will guide you through the overall capabilities of Nanion´s portfolio. Following this, we will welcome our speakers, whose work focuses on ion channel and transporter physiology and patho physiology. Structural Investigation of Ryanodine Receptor - Small Molecule Interactions Speaker: Filip Van Petegem, Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Biol ogy, The University of British Columbia Dr. Filip Van Petegem will present cryo-electron microscopy and planar lipid bilayer electrophysiology on Ryanodine Receptors (RyRs), large calcium release channels located in the membranes of the ER and SR.
These channels are targets for tens of proteins and small molecules that can alter their gating, and are involved in a wide range of channelopa thies including malignant hyperthermia, CPVT, and central core disease. An overview will be presented on the various molecules for which struc tural information is now available. This includes calcins, small peptides produced by scorpions. These can cross the plasma membrane, produce subconductance states and create asymmetry in the RyRs. Ion Channel Targeted Small Molecule and Antibody Therapeutic Programs Speaker: Franck Potet, Director, Electrophysiology, OmniAb Inc Ion channels are important therapeutic targets for many disease states and high throughput automated patch clamp is a useful tool to record ion channel activity in cell lines, stem cells and primary cells. The abil ity to investigate the effects of small molecules and large antibody compounds at high throughput is crucial for efficient drug discovery. At Icagen, the SyncroPatch 384 is used in multiple programs for drug discovery, some of which will be described in this talk. Functional Characterization of Human GAT1 Through Solid Supported Membrane-Based Electrophysiology Speaker: Rocco Zerlotti, Application Scientist, Nanion Technologies GmbH Dysregulation in GABA transport has been linked to many neurological disorders, hence hGAT1 is an important target for their medical treat ment. It is important to have tools to measure the GABA transporter, which can be achieved using solid supported membrane (SSM) electro physiology. At the synapse, GAT1 exploits the Na+ gradient to energize the uphill re-uptake of GABA from the synaptic cleft into the presynaptic neuron. Samples prepared from CHO cells stably expressing GAT1 were used the SURFE2R N1, and GABA-induced currents were elicited using the substrate-containing activating buffer. Three different electrogenic events were detected, two faster components and a slower component corresponding to the transport event. The SURFE2R technology is a use ful tool to study GAT1 as well as other transporters, membrane pumps and leak channels. Biophysical Journal Associate Editor Meeting 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Room 106AB Career Development Center Workshop Translating Your Credentials: Writing Effective Re sumes + Cover Letters for Industry, Government, and Nonprofit Jobs 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Room 108B You have a CV with its list of publications, presentations, honors & awards, etc., but jobs outside of academia typically require a resume. Very few job ads fail to mention the importance of teamwork, collabora tion, and communication skills, yet if you take a glance at your CV, these are all likely to be absent or incomplete. Learn how to transform your CV into an effective resume that helps hiring managers recognize and appreciate the value you have to offer. Exhibitor Presentation Leica Microsystems 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm, Room 113C New TauSTED Tools for Gentle Live Cell Imaging at Remarkable Na noscale The ultimate goal of scientific research is to understand the workings of nature. Given the complex interplay of biomolecules, molecular machines, and higher order cellular structures, confocal imaging has emerged as the fundamental tool due to its optical sectioning, sensitiv ity, and temporal and spatial resolution capabilities.
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