BPS2025 Full Program

Exhibitor Presentations Rooms 404AB and 406AB, Los Angeles Convention Center

Room 404AB: Sunday, February 16 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Bruker The Bruker Vutara VXL: Dual-Camera Super-Resolution Microscopy with Fluidics, spTracking, and Live Cell Imaging The Bruker Vutara VXL is a cutting-edge single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) system that breaks the diffraction limit of traditional fluorescence microscopy, achieving an optical resolution of 20 nm. Its dual-camera system enables simultaneous multi-color imaging, providing a comprehensive view of cellular processes. The integration with the PlexFlo fluidics platform supports automated, high-throughput experiments, enhancing experimental efficiency and reproducibility. The Vutara VXL also excels in single particle tracking (spTracking) and live cell imaging, allowing for dynamic studies of molecular interactions and cellular behaviors in real-time. Employing techniques such as STORM, PALM, dSTORM, and DNA-PAINT, the Vutara VXL constructs high-resolution images of cellular structures, proteins, RNA, and chromosomal regions. Its proprietary bi-plane technology extends imaging into the third dimension, enabling the visualization of thick specimens without TIRF illumination. This presentation will highlight the Vutara VXL’s dual-camera system, fluidics integration, spTracking, and live cell imaging capabilities, demonstrating how these features enhance super-resolution imaging and facilitate complex biological research. Speaker Winfried Wiegraebe, Product Manager Super-Resolution Microscopy, Bruker 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Malvern Panalytical Rapid Screening for Binding Kinetics and Orthogonal Validation: The Use of GCI and ITC Understanding molecular interactions is fundamental to drug discovery and biomolecular research. Key parameters such as affinity, kinetic rates, and thermodynamic profiles provide essential insights into binding mechanisms. This talk presents an approach utilizing Grating-Coupled Interferometry (GCI) for rapid kinetic screening and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) for orthogonal validation of selected hits. GCI offers a high-throughput, label-free solution for real-time kinetic analysis, enabling rapid screening of binding events with minimal sample consumption. GCI is a surface-based technique providing binding rate constants and affinity data with high sensitivity. Notably, GCI delivers both association and dissociation rate constants at the initial screening stage using only one concentration.

ITC can serve as a solution-based, label-free method for validating hits, adding a comprehensive thermodynamic perspective. The measured parameters include binding affinity (Kd), enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS), stoichiometry, as well as the activity of binding components, providing a robust orthogonal validation of the kinetic data. An approach combining GCI screening with ITC validation enhances the confidence and reliability of binding characterizations, supporting more informed decision-making in drug development pipelines. Speaker Stoyan Milev, Applications Specialist, Malvern Panalytical 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Bruker Visualizing Molecular Dynamics with High-Speed Tip-Scanning Atomic Force Microscopy Biological systems exhibit very high structural and functional dynamics on molecular scales. Understanding the principles of the kinetics behind structural changes at that scale is of critical importance when studying samples ranging from single membrane proteins to complex macromolecular systems, in order to accurately develop novel therapeutic applications. We have used high-speed tip-scanning atomic force microscopy (AFM) with a kilohertz linerate to visualize molecular dynamics by enabling temporal resolution on the sub-100-milisecond scale. The use of a tip-scanning AFM, as compared to a sample scanning system, enables high-resolution correlation experiments with advanced optical techniques. We will give two examples in which high-speed tip-scanning AFM was applied for studying of structural transitions and biomolecular dynamics in samples, containing triangular DNA origamis and photosensitive surfactants. DNA origami structures serve as a functional template in multiple artificial and native molecular systems. We studied the development of order in 2D DNA triangular Rothemund lattices. By mobilizing the DNA origami adsorption on mica with varying buffer composition we looked at the temporal dependence between lattice order development and Na+ ion content in the studied sample with a temporal resolution of 1 frame/s. We monitored the structural photosensitive transition of photosensitive surfactants under external light-induced deformation. By simultaneous high-speed AFM measurements and switching the external wavelength illumination from 365 nm to 546 nm and vice versa, we could monitor and induce a reversible structural transition within the studied sample in real-time. Speaker Ming Ye, Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Surfaces and Metrology Division


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