BPS2025 Full Program
Room 406AB: Tuesday, February 18 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Elements srl The Ultimate kit for Solid-State Nanopore Measurements: Experimenting Has Never Been This Easy! We are excited to announce the return of Elements’ company presentation at BPS! Elements will present its new multichannel high-bandwidth amplifier along with new, free control software specifically designed for high-throughput devices. This year, along with our partner Norcada, we are introducing a turnkey measurement kit for solid-state nanopores. Elements, a leading producer of current amplifiers, and Norcada, a renowned supplier of solid-state nanopores, fluidic systems, sensors and accessories, have combined their innovative technologies to provide a comprehensive and easy to-use setup for nanopore measurements. Special guests from academia and industry will share insights and showcase research results obtained using this unique combined system. Additionally, we will demonstrate how quick and easy it is to wet a solid-state nanopore and run experiments with UltiFlow, a unique solution provided by Norcada. Elements will also present its new multichannel high-bandwidth amplifier, along with new free control software specifically designed for high-throughput devices, featuring advanced real-time translocation event analysis. This presentation is an insightful opportunity for anyone interested in advanced nanopore technology, whether for academic research or industrial applications. Join us to explore how this kit can enhance your nanopore measurement capabilities! Speakers Hooman Hosseinkhannazer, CEO, Norcada, Dewald Noeth, Product Lead, Norcada Alessandro Porro, Application Scientist, Elements srl Federico Thei, CEO, Elements srl
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Depixus SAS
MAGNA One TM Single-Molecule Magnetic Force Spectroscopy Provides New Views into the Dynamics of Biomolecular Interactions at Scale PRESENTATION SUMMARY AND SPEAKER(S) INCLUDED IN ONLINE ADDENDUM
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Molecular Devices
New Minis Analysis in Axon™ pCLAMP™ Software: Minis Search Miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (mEPSCs) or inhibitory post-synaptic currents (mIPSCs)—also known as “Minis”—are important bioelectrical signals used to communicate among neurons. Minis can be recorded by using an electrophysiology tool in experimental environments. Motivated by researchers’ pursuit of enhanced analysis for recorded minis, we have developed the Minis Search feature in the latest version of our Axon pCLAMP 11.4 software. This new feature offers a streamlined workflow for detecting minis events, enhancing accuracy in measurements, and simplifying event addition and deletion. Join Dr. Jeffrey Tang as he demonstrates how to use Minis Search to perform analysis. Learn how to: • Streamline the workflow for detecting minis events • Enable accurate measurement on each detected event • Easily add or delete missing or unwanted events • Detect superimposed events • Adjust the event baseline • Display slope marker and fitting curve • Save and re-open the data file Speaker Jeffrey Tang, Lead, Global Axon Electrophysiology Application Scientist, Molecular Devices
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