BPS2025 Full Program
Company Name Booth Number
Company Name Booth Number
Company Name Booth Number
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 biology-lcls.slac.stanford.edu/center-structural dynamics/about-center The Center for Structural Dynamics in Biology (SBD) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is an NIH-funded resource offering free support and advanced tools for biomedical research. Leveraging the unique capabilities of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), SBD develops innovative technologies to study molecular structures and dynamics. Our mission is to enhance efficiency and empower scientists by providing unparalleled access to cutting-edge tools that enable transformative discoveries into the molecular mechanisms of life. SmarAct Inc 712 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 302 With the development and production of market-leading solutions in the field of high-precision positioning, automation and metrology, SmarAct reliably accompanies its customers in achieving their goals. The broad product portfolio – from single stages to complex parallel kinematics, miniaturized robots, control systems and measurement technology – is completed by automated microassembly solutions. Even the most challenging customer requirements can be met by maximum adaptability and complete in-house production. NEW 2025 NEW 2025 Join our participating exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall for a fun and engaging new game! Pick up a bingo card inside the entrance of the Exhibit Hall. Over three days, collect multicolored dots from exhibitors and put them on the appropriate bingo squares to form three nine-sticker lines. 628 Berkeley, CA 94704 www.smaract.com
3440 E Britannia Drive Tucson, AZ 85706 www.photometrics.com Teledyne Photometrics designs and manufactures high-performance Scientific CMOS and CCD cameras that support demanding, quantitative bio-research. Teledyne Photometrics also offers a comprehensive OEM support, enabling customers to integrate cameras into a wide variety of configurations, from complete, ready-to-run camera systems to component level, single-board cameras. Delivering quality products for nearly three decades, this division provides a focused approach from project initiation, through the development process and during manufacturing and aftermarket service and support. PicoQuant Photonics 701 North America Inc 54 Kane Street Springfield, MA 01119 www.picoquant-usa.com PicoQuant offers instrumentation designed by scientists for scientists in the field of time resolved optical measurements. Our product portfolio includes complete fluorescence microscopes and spectrometers, as well as pulsed diode lasers, TCSPC electronics and photon counting detectors. These enable time-resolved fluorescence methods such as FLIM, FRET and FCS, which can be applied to a broad range of research topics from biology and chemistry to physics and materials science. RedShiftBio 215 80 Central Street, 3rd Floor Boxborough, MA 01719 www.redshiftbio.com RedShiftBio is redefining the possibilities for analyzing protein and RNA structure. We have developed a proprietary platform combining our Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy (MMS) and expertise in high-powered quantum cascade lasers that provide ultra sensitive and ultra-precise measurements of molecular structure. Changes in structure affect the critical quality attributes governing the safety, efficacy, and stability of biomolecules and their raw materials. MMS is available to researchers in our fully automated line of Aurora instrumentation. NEW 2025
21 Hickory Drive, Suite 2A Waltham, MA 02451 www.refeyn.com
Refeyn pioneers analytical instruments that put molecular mass measurement capabilities within easy reach for scientists. Refeyn’s unique products measure the mass of individual proteins, nucleic acids, complexes and viruses – providing vital insights for scientific discovery, R&D and therapeutics production. Our instruments feature mass photometry technology, which uses light to quantify the mass of single particles in 9F, 19-20F, Building7A, Dashi 1st Road, Nanshan District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100 China www.rwdstco.com Since 2002, RWD Life Science has been the world’s leading manufacturer of laboratory instruments for life science research. We specialize in producing Animal Surgery and Modeling Solutions; in vivo Imaging Solutions, Histopathology Solutions, Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Solutions for researchers around the world. For more information please visit: www.rwdstco.com. SLAC National Accelerator Lab 623 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 27 Menlo Park, CA 94025 cryoem.slac.stanford.edu/s2cs The NIH Common Fund Transformative High Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy program funds three National Centers. They are available free of charge through competitive peer review of user proposals to: 1) provide access to high-end cryo-EM instruments for atomic resolution data collection of single particle specimens and 2) train independent cryo-EM investigators. For more information: Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center: https:// cryoem.slac.stanford.e du/s2c2, Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center: https://pncc. labworks.org, National Center for CryoEM Access and Training: https://nccat.nysbc.org. solution without labels. RWD Life Science 634
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