Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting

Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Mightex Systems                  823 1032 Serpentine Lane Pleasanton, CA  94566 Mightex Systems is a leading developer and supplier of advanced illumination solutions for biophysical applications. Featured on display will be the market leading Polygon400 pat- terned illuminator which allows researchers to deliver light of any size, shape or wave- length to a sample making it a powerful tool for photo-activation, UV uncaging and cal- cium imaging and other biophysical applica- tions. Also on display will be the popular OASIS modular macro & microscope plat- form as well as wide-field microscopy LED solutions, and fiber-coupled LED modules, and cost effective microscopy CCD cameras.

NanoAndMore USA Inc        910 21 Brennan Street  Suite 10

Watsonville, CA  95076

Multi Channel Systems        522 Aspenhaustrasse 21 72770 Reutlingen, BW Germany Multi Channel Systems provides scientific equipment for electrophysiology for aca- demic and pharmaceutical industry like MEA or automated patch clamp systems.

Founded in 2005, NanoAndMore USA is based on the successful one-stop AFM probe shop concept that had already been proven in the European market by NanoAndMore GmbH. Available AFM probe brands include the bud- get conscious BudgetSensors™, MikroMasch® and OPUS™ lines, the premier NanoWorld™, NANOSENSORS™ and nanotools™ cantilevers and other brands. Functionalized AFM tips, Colloidal AFM probes and Plateau tips upon request. NanoAndMore AFM Probes fit all common AFM instruments. We also provide FREE AFM Technical Support and will Match the best probe for your application and budget requirements! Nanolive developed a groundbreaking micro- scope, the 3D Cell Explorer: a high speed, high resolution and non-invasive tool that allows for real-time exploration of living cells, fixed cells and tissues, in 3D and in 4D (time). By combining holography and rotational scanning the systemdetects changes to light as it propa- gates through the cell. The physical refractive index distribution within the cell is measured at each voxel and the researcher can decide which parts of the cell to visualize by digitally staining them in contrasting colors, without interfering with the cell’s normal physiology. NanoTemper Technologies 705 Inc 395 Oyster Point, Suite 135 South San Francisco, CA  94080 NanoTemper Technologies is a globally operat- ing company providing solutions for basic to pre-clinical research in studying binding affini- ties, kinetics, thermal and colloidal stability. NEW 2016 Nanolive SA                  Chemin de la Dent d’Oche 1A  Ecublens  CH  1024 810 Switzerland

Namiki Precision Jewel


Co Ltd                   282 Harbor Blvd.  Belmont, CA  94002

NEW 2016

Minus K Technology Inc


Built on its core technology of "Cutting, Grinding and Polishing" to nano-level accu- racy, Namiki Precision Jewel has developed DC motors, diaphragm pumps, vibration motors, optical isolators and sapphire wafers to supply to IT, semiconductor, and medical equipment industries. Now that there is a worldwide interest in developing bio-inspired products, we have begun focusing on developing robust tools to facilitate R&D and the manufacturing of such products. We will be showcasing a state-of-the-art tool to fully manipulate mul- tiple cells and cell membranes placed on our micro hole substrate. Nanion Technologies            509 Gabrielenstr. 9  Munich  80636 Germany Nanion Technologies is one of the leading pro- viders of automated patch clamp systems. The Port-a-Patch, Patchliner, and the SyncroPatch 384/768PE cover the entire spectrum from high quality single channel recordings to ion channel HTS, at the same time supporting versatile features including current clamp, temperature control and internal perfusion. Nanion additionally provides platforms for car- diotoxicity screening, CardioExcyte 96, parallel bilayer recordings, Orbit 16 and Orbit mini, and parallel membrane transporter protein recordings, SURFE2R. Visit us and we’ll tell you all about it!

460 Hindry Ave # C Inglewood, CA  90301

Manufacturer of vibration isolation systems for AFMs, SPMs, SEMs, metrology, micro- hardness testers, lasers and optics. They are low-cost, passive, vacuum adaptable and require no air or electricity. Products: table- top platforms, workstations, floor platforms and custom systems. Guaranteed 1/2 Hz natu- ral frequencies make them effective against low-frequency building vibrations. Isolation is typically 10 to 100 times better than air tables and even better than the higher-priced active systems.

Molecular Devices LLC          608 1311 Orleans Dr.  Sunnyvale, CA  94085 At Molecular Devices, we provide platforms for high-throughput screening, genomic and cellular analysis, colony selection and micro- plate detection.


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