Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
Onefive GmbH Althardstrasse 70 Regensdorf, CH-8105 Switzerland
Nikon Instruments Inc 523 1300 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747 Nikon Instruments Inc. is a world leader in the development and manufacture of opti- cal and digital imaging technology for bio- medical applications. Now in its 98th year, Nikon provides complete optical systems that offer optimal versatility, performance and productivity with cutting-edge micro- scopes, digital imaging products and software npi electronic GmbH 322 Bauhofring 16 Tamm, 71732 Germany npi electronic develops and produces equip- ment for research in physiological and phar- macological research sciences including patch and voltage clamp, extracellular and intracel- lular amplifiers, stimulus isolators, voltammet- ric-amperometric amplifiers, filters, µm-range drug application systems, temperature con- trollers and amplifiers for electroporation and transfection. npi electronic is expert in micro- electrode and patch clamp techniques.
Narishige International USA Inc 1710 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554
NEW 2016
Onefive GmbH is a worldwide leading supplier of femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond industrial laser modules. The company has a strong expertise in ultra-low noise, mode- locked lasers over a broad range of repetition rates, from pulse-on-demand up to 1.3 GHz. The lasers are air-cooled, maintenance-free, and stand out for their high ease of use and reliability in 24/7 operation. Onefive portfolio offers laser solutions for several applications, among which STED and two-photon micros- copy, nonlinear spectroscopy, THz generation, surgery and medical treatments, material pro- cessing and sensing. Pacer Scientific 623 5649 Valley Oak Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90068 PACER SCIENTIFIC is manufacturers' repre- sentative company specializing in the sale of research instrumentation and software for the biosciences. Pacer Scientific represents a wide range of products. Park Systems Inc 802 3040 Olcott Street Santa Clara, CA 95054 Park Systems is a world leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems with a complete range of products for lab researchers and engineers in biological sci- ence, materials research, semiconductor, and data storage industries. Park's AFM provides the highest data accuracy, superior productiv- ity, and the lowest operating cost. Please visit for more information.
Narishige offers the latest and most unique micromanipulation instruments available in the market. On display will be Patch Clamp Recording Micromanipulators, Isolation Systems, Microforges, Pipette Pullers, and our new “PC-21” Suction Pump which suitable for in vitro perfusion system. The compact and more affordable YOU manipulator series will be also on display. We specialize in custom- made products upon request. NeoBiosystems Inc 536 1407 Heikman Way San Jose, CA 95129 NeoBiosystems designs and manufactures automated patch clamp and two electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) products. These prod- ucts include automated manipulators, pres- sure controllers, and integrated patch clamp and TEVC systems for higher throughput. These computer-controlled systems improve the success rate of making seals in patch clamp and increase the throughput for two- electrode voltage clamps. The systems are also less expensive than the traditional method, and can reach high success rates in making gig ohm seals even for beginners. They can be used on any kind of cells and tissues.
Olis Inc 130 Conway Dr, Suites A&B Bogart, GA 30622 Georgia
NIC@IIT Via Morego 30 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genova 1G1G3 Italy
Upcycling spectrophotometers; Achieving CLARiTY! Using the best new and classic optics to make best UV/Vis and NIR abs, fluo, & CD systems; achieving CLARiTY UV/Vis for solu- tions, suspensions & solids
Olympus 3500 Corporate Pkwy Center Valley, PA 18034
The Nikon Imaging Centre at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia is a core lab for advanced light microscopy. The NIC@IIT is to provide to a wide community of scientists and profes- sionals throughout Italy, Europe and the Rest of the World, a large number of up-to-date imaging methodologies to monitor the living cell activity at high spatial and temporal rate. The main expertise of the NIC@IIT is related to Super resolution and multiphoton micros- copy, and it is developed in the multidisci- plinary environment of IIT. NIC@IIT offers col- laborations on newest advanced microscopes and training workshops.
Olympus is dedicated to your work, vision and science. Through innovation and service, we seek to aide in your discoveries, advance your research and inspire you to explore new possibilities. Our wide range of imaging solu- tions are built with the optical excellence and proven application expertise you have come to expect and depend on. Let us be your partner in discovery. Visit us at Booth 408.
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