Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting
March 7–11, 2016
Biophysics Week is a global effort aimed at encouraging connections within the biophysics community and raising awareness of the field and its impact among the general public, policy makers, students, and scien- tists in related fields.
Mark your calendars! Join your peers in celebrating this special week. There will be daily activities, news, publications, blogs, fun facts, and more! Below you will find the current list of special events, but keep an eye out for new upcoming events during this unique week dedi- cated to you and the field of biophysics. • The Biophysics Bunch Google Hangout • Article Series “The State of Biophysics” • Briefing/Luncheon on Capitol Hill • Cryo-EMWebinar • Female and Minority Biophysicist Articles • Educational and Career Materials • Biophysics Bobbi/y Around the Globe
Create a Bobbi/y Biophysics Bobbi/y is a way to engage with other scientists as well as non-scientists to increase visibility for the field of Biophysics, highlight those
who conduct research in the field, and point out the many locations across the globe where Biophysics research is conducted.
Create your Bobbi/y Online at BiophysicsWeek.
Be a part of #BiophysicsWeek. Celebrate this week with others around the globe!
Visit BiophysicsWeek for more information.
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