Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number

Microscopy Chambers ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Flexcell International Corporation 620 IonOptix 444 Leica Microsystems 824 Tokai Hit Co Ltd 537 Warner Instruments 445 Molecular Biology Products Agilent Technologies 324 GenScript USA Inc 720 Rockefeller University Press 209 Strex 538 Monochromators 89 North 524 Nanopositioning Systems ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Piezoconcept 313 Sensapex OY 846 Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopes (NSOM) Mad City Labs Inc 418 Nanonics Imaging Ltd 840 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Charles River 625 Particle Sizing Products Anton Paar USA 808 Beckman Coulter Life Sciences 101 Malvern Instruments Ltd 609 Postnova Analytics 113 Patch Clamp Instrumentation Alembic Instruments, Inc. 713 Elements SRL 613 Fluxion Biosciences 724 HEKA Elektronik 544 Molecular Devices LLC 501 Multi Channel Systems 545 Nanion Technologies 405 Narishige International USA, Inc. 812 npi electronic GmbH 519 Pacer Scientific 531 Scientifica Ltd 710 Sensapex OY 846 Siskiyou Corporation 309 Sophion Bioscience 508 Sutter Instrument 436 Warner Instruments 445 Peptides Beckman Coulter Life Sciences 101 GenScript USA Inc 720 Peptides International 227

Mathematical and Statistical Software OriginLab Corporation Micro Environmental Control ALA Scientific Instruments

Micropositioners ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 HEKA Elektronik 544 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Sensapex OY 846 Sutter Instrument 436 Warner Instruments 445 Microscope Accessories ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Chroma Technology 425 Electron Microscopy Sciences 645 Finger Lakes Instrumentation 627 Leica Microsystems 824 Mad City Labs Inc 418 Mightex Systems 624 Pacer Scientific 531 Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH 318 Thorlabs 301 Microscope Drift Correction ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Mad City Labs Inc 418 Nikon Instruments Inc 431 Microscope Stages ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Leica Microsystems 824 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Piezoconcept 313 PreciPoint 532 Siskiyou Corporation 309 Tokai Hit Co Ltd 537 Warner Instruments 445 Microscopes ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Company 608 Bruker Corporation 601, 600 Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics Inc 536 Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC 800 Electron Microscopy Sciences 645 Leica Microsystems 824 Mad City Labs Inc 418 Mightex Systems 624 Nikon Instruments Inc 431 Olympus 300 Oxford Nanoimaging Ltd 705 PicoQuant Photonics North America Inc 619 PreciPoint 532 Renishaw Inc 511 Scientifica Ltd 710 Sutter Instrument 436 Thorlabs 301 Tomocube Inc 311


521 119


Microcalorimetry Systems Malvern Instruments Ltd

609 439

TA Instruments

Microelectrode Holders ALA Scientific Instruments Narishige International USA, Inc.

521 812 846 445

Sensapex OY

Warner Instruments

Microelectrodes Ecocyte Bioscience US LLC Microfluidic Chambers ALA Scientific Instruments Flexcell International Corporation


521 620 802


Microforges ALA Scientific Instruments Narishige International USA, Inc.

521 812

Microinjectors ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Narishige International USA, Inc. 812 npi electronic GmbH 519 Sutter Instrument 436 Warner Instruments 445 Micromanipulators ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Ecocyte Bioscience US LLC 630 LUMICKS 802 Narishige International USA, Inc. 812 Pacer Scientific 531 Scientifica Ltd 710 Sensapex OY 846 Siskiyou Corporation 309 Sutter Instrument 436 Micropipette Pullers HEKA Elektronik 544 Narishige International USA, Inc. 812 Pacer Scientific 531 Siskiyou Corporation 309 Sutter Instrument 436 Micropipettes Nanonics Imaging Ltd 840 Sutter Instrument 436

Perfusion Systems ALA Scientific Instruments Narishige International USA, Inc.

521 812 445

Warner Instruments


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