Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide

Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Phamaceutical Development Equipment Hinds Instruments

Protein Structure Data Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Sensors Hamamatsu Corporation

525 419 533

101 509 113


Hinds Instruments Postnova Analytics Publications AIP Publishing, LLC

509 511 533

Sapidyne Instruments

Renishaw Inc

Sapidyne Instruments

Software ALVEOLE

119 430 304 330 532 710

208 200 201 209 211

Phospholipids Avanti Polar Lipids Inc

KinTek Corporation

Cell Press

408  520 219

Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics

IOP Publishing


OriginLab Corporation

Rockefeller University Press

Matreya LLC

PreciPoint Scientifica Ltd


CRC Press/Taylor & Francis The Physiological Society

321, 320

Photometers ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Piezo Lens Positioners ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Piezoconcept 313 Piezo Scanning Stages ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Piezoconcept 313 Piezo Stages ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 441 Mad City Labs Inc 418 PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Piezo Nano Positioning 702 Piezoconcept 313 Sensapex OY 846 Pipettes Electron Microscopy Sciences 645 Probes Nanonics Imaging Ltd 840


Solid State Lasers Newport Corporation Spectrofluorometers Aviv Biomedical Inc Edinburgh Instruments

Quartz Crystal Microbalance Biolin Scientific



310 701 401 746 618 310 421 701 525

Reagents ALVEOLE Cedarlane

119 700 720 501 227 631

HORIBA Scientific


GenScript USA Inc Molecular Devices LLC Peptides International SB Drug Discovery

Quantum Northwest Inc

Spectrometers Aviv Biomedical Inc

BioLogic USA

Recording Chambers ALA Scientific Instruments Warner Instruments

Edinburgh Instruments Hamamatsu Corporation Newport Corporation

521 445

332 PicoQuant Photonics North America Inc 619 Quantum Northwest Inc 618 Zurich Instruments 626 Spectrophotometer Light Sources Edinburgh Instruments 701 Spectrophotometers Agilent Technologies 324 Aviv Biomedical Inc 310 BioLogic USA 421 Edinburgh Instruments 701 JASCO 746 Olis Inc 709 Quantum Northwest Inc 618 Spectroscopy Accessories Agilent Technologies 324 HORIBA Scientific 401 Newport Corporation 332 Quantum Northwest Inc 618 Renishaw Inc 511 Sphingolipids Avanti Polar Lipids Inc 408 Larodan  520 Matreya LLC 219 Stepper Technology Siskiyou Corporation 309 Sterols Avanti Polar Lipids Inc 408 Matreya LLC 219

Rheometers/Viscometers Anton Paar USA

808 113 439

Postnova Analytics TA Instruments

Scanning Electron Microscope Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC Scanning Probe Microscopes Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Company



Bruker Corporation Mad City Labs Inc Nanonics Imaging Ltd Park Systems Inc

601, 600

418 840 505

Protein Binding Studies Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

101 810 430 802 609 113 708 533 439

BioNavis Ltd

Scientific CMOS Cameras Andor Technology Hamamatsu Corporation

KinTek Corporation

612 525 705 308 419 437 319 625 627 724 509 545 405 431 708 631


Malvern Instruments Ltd Postnova Analytics

Oxford Nanoimaging Ltd

PCO-TECH Inc Photometrics SciMeasure

Reichert Technologies - Life Sciences

Sapidyne Instruments

TA Instruments

Screening, High-Throughput AAT Bioquest Inc

Protein Expression Anatrace Products LLC

312 720 631

Charles River

GenScript USA Inc SB Drug Discovery

Finger Lakes Instrumentation

Fluxion Biosciences Hinds Instruments Multi Channel Systems Nanion Technologies Nikon Instruments Inc

Protein Purification Systems Anatrace Products LLC

312 331 604

Pressure Biosciences Inc

Reichert Technologies - Life Sciences


SB Drug Discovery


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