Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting | Program Guide

ROOM 303: Tuesday, March 5 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Sophion Bioscience A/S

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM LUMICKS

A Versatile Platform for High-Resolution Single-Molecule Research: Expanding Capabilities and Exploring New Possibilities Proteins interact with nucleic acids and the cytoskeleton to perform biological processes that are key to cell metabolism and life. The direct observation of such interactions in real time and at the singlemolecule enable scientists to make new discoveries and to test current biologi- cal models. Singlemolecule studies of cytoskeleton filaments and their interaction to associated proteins are often developed in surface-based assays where the glass surface is used as a substrate to rigidly anchor the biological molecules of interest. To capture the dynamics of the system and its interactions, the samples are typically labeled with fluorescent dyes and are imaged with fluorescence methods. However, despite the versatility of fluorescent methods, label-free imaging methods are desirable to better mimic the native biological conditions and to reduce photo-damage due to fluorescence excitation during long experiments. Here, we present our recent developments to further enable discoveries in the field of biology and biophysics with a special focus in surface-based assays. We present a novel instrument arrangement that includes opti- cal tweezers in combination with Interference Reflection Microscopy (IRM) and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy. IRM is a recently introduced imaging method that allows visualization of biological structures in 3D without the need for fluorescence labeling and with sensitivity exceeding that of Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscopy. In addition, we show the latest applications of these technologies and how they enhance our understanding of several fields of biology, including molecular motors and cytoskeleton filaments, DNA/ RNA-protein interactions, protein folding/unfolding, cell membranes, and genome structure and organization. These applications show that the technological advances in hybrid single-molecule methods for imag- ing and manipulation can be turned into easy-to-use and stable instru- ments with the ability to open up new venues in many research areas. Speakers

Electrophysiological Characterization Using Automated Patch Clamp (QPatch and Qube) of hiPSC-Derived Neurologi- cal Disease Models, New Automated Patch Clamp Ion Chan- nel Assays for CiPA Cardiac Safety Testing (Dynamic hERG and LQT3 Late Nav1.5) and Nav1.7 Drug Discovery Successful ion channel drug discovery requires the integration of mul- tiple technologies and workflows. Sophion Bioscience is a leader in auto- mated patch clamp technology, providing medium to high throughput, automated patch clamp to the pharmaceutical industry and universities. The QPatch and Qube are fully automated patch clamp systems, execut- ing simultaneous 8, 16, 48 or 384 parallel patch clamp recordings in con- junction with computer controlled liquid handling and on-board cell han- dling. Sophion partners with other biotech companies to create robust, ion channel and electrophysiological workflows for drug development for ion channel targets. During this workshop, three industry speakers will provide insight into the drug discovery process. Dr Kadla Roskva Rosholm will present how hiPSCderived neurological disease models have been characterized by use of high throughput electrophysiology at Sophion Bioscience. Next, Dr Marc Rogers from Metrion Biosciences will present their development of new automated patch clamp ion chan- nel assays for CiPA cardiac safety testing: dynamic hERG and LQT3 late Nav1.5. Finally, Dr Brian Moyer will present on Amgen’s Nav1.7 drug discovery program. Speakers Kadla Roskva Rosholm, Application Scientist, Sophion Bioscience A/S Marc Rogers, Chief Scientific Officer, Metrion Biosciences Brian Moyer, Scientific Director, Department of Nueroscience, Amgen

Andrea Candelli, Application Scientist, LUMICKS Sara Tafoya, Application Scientist, LUMICKS Trey Simpson, Application Scientist, LUMICKS


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