Biophysical Society 65th Annual Meeting Program Guide

1333-Plat 2:45 pm PROBING THE IMPACT OF MOLECULAR CHAPERONES ON THE REFOLD- ABILITY OF THE E. COLI PROTEOME. Philip To , Stephen D. Fried 1334-Plat 3:00 pm EXPLORING EXHAUSTIVELY THE CONFORMATIONS OF A TANDEM DO- MAINS PROTEIN USING A DISCRETE DISTANCE GEOMETRY APPROACH. Florence Cordier, Benjamin Bardiaux, Antonio Mucherino, Jerome Idier, Nicolas Wolff, Leo Liberti, Therese E. Malliavin 1335-Plat 3:15 pm EMERGING FEATURES OF RHEOSTAT POSITIONS. Liskin Swint-Kruse , Aron W. Fenton, S. Banu Ozkan, Bruno Hagenbuch, paul campitelli, Melissa Ruggiero, John Karanicolas, Shipra Malhotra, Joseph Fontes, Audrey Lamb, Alexey Ladokhin, Paul E. Smith Platform Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions and Chromatin II 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Chair Joshua Riback, Princeton University, USA No Abstract 2:00 pm MODELING CHROMATIN ARCHITECTURE TRANSITIONS IN BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. Tamar Schlick 1336-Plat 2:30 pm CHROMATIN AND CYTOSKELETAL TETHERING DETERMINE NUCLEAR MORPHOLOGY IN PROGERIN EXPRESSING CELLS. Maria Chiara Lionetti , Silvia Bonfanti, Maria Rita Fumagalli, Francesc Font-Clos, Giulio Costantini, Oleksandr Chepizhko, Stefano Zapperi, Caterina La Porta 1337-Plat 2:45 pm SPATIALLY CONSTRAINED TRANSCRIPTIONAL SOURCES DRIVE ASPHERICI- TY OF INTRACELLULAR LIQUIDS. Joshua A. Riback , Daniel S.W. Lee, Jorine M. Eeftens, David W. Sanders, Lien Beckers, Clifford P. Brangwynne 1338-Plat 3:00 pm SUPER-RESOLUTION IMAGING REVEALS SPATIO-TEMPORAL PROPAGA- TION OF HUMAN REPLICATION FOCI MEDIATED BY CTCF-ORGANIZED CHROMATIN STRUCTURES. Ziqing Winston Zhao , Qian Peter Su, X Sun- ney Xie, Yujie Sun 1339-Plat 3:15 pm CHROMATIN ORGANIZATION AND PHASE SEPARATION OF HISTONES. Anisha Shakya , John King Platform Membrane Structure 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Chair Ilpo Vattulainen, University of Helsinki, Finland 1340-Plat 2:00 pm BARRIERS IN THE EYE AND LUNGS THAT MAINTAIN BIOLOGICAL FUNC- TIONS. Ilpo Vattulainen 1341-Plat 2:30 pm GM1 LEAFLET ASYMMETRY STABILIZES MEMBRANE PORES. Mina Aleksanyan , Rafael Lira, Jan Steinkuehler, Rumiana Dimova 1342-Plat 2:45 pm EXTRACTING ORGANELLE MEMBRANE TOPOLOGY FROM SUPER-RESOLU- TION MICROSCOPY DATA. Zach Marin , Lukas A. Fuentes, Joerg Bewers- dorf, David Baddeley 1343-Plat 3:00 pm LIPID BILAYER PASSIVE AREA REGULATION IN RESPONSE TO FLUID FLOWS. Ethan J. Miller , Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith

used on Andor Sona back-illuminated sCMOS cameras having previously been available solely on Andor iXon EMCCD cameras. These new devel- opments add to the previous benefits of SRRF-Stream, making it an even more flexible and useful part of the microscopists imaging toolbox. Speaker Alan Mullan, Product Application Specialist – Microscopy Cameras, Andor Technology Break 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Meet the Editors 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Take this opportunity to meet editors of the Society’s three Journals: Biophysical Journal , Biophysical Reports , and The Biophysicist . Editors will be available to discuss their respective journals and to answer questions about where you should submit your work, what will help to get your work published, and what you can expect when you submit to these Society journals. Platform Protein Structure and Conformation: Viruses 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Chair Charlotte Uetrecht, Heinrich Pette Institute, Germany 1327-Plat 2:00 pm FLYING VIRUSES - FROM BIOPHYSICAL TO STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZA- TION. Charlotte Uetrecht 1328-Plat 2:30 pm REAL-TIME CONFORMATIONAL DYNAMICS OF SARS-COV-2 SPIKES ON VIRUS PARTICLES. Maolin Lu , Pradeep D. Uchil, Wenwei Li, Daniel S. Terry, Jason Gorman, Baoshang Zhang, Tongqing Zhou, Shilei Ding, Lihong Liu, David D. Ho, John R. Mascola, Andrés Finzi, Peter Kwong, Scott C. Blanchard, Walther Mothes 1329-Plat 2:45 pm SARS-COV-2 GLYCOSYLATED SPIKE ACTIVATION MECHANISM - SIMULA- TIONS OF THE FULL UNBIASED PATHWAY. Terra Sztain-Pedone , Surl-Hee Ahn, Anthony Bogetti, Lorenzo Casalino, Zied Gaieb, James A. McCam- mon, Lillian T. Chong, Rommie E. Amaro 1330-Plat 3:00 pm DIFFERENTIAL DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF PREFUSION SPIKE GLYCOPRO- TEINS OF SARS CORONAVIRUSES 1 AND 2. Mahmoud Moradi , Vivek Govind Kumar, Dylan S. Ogden, Ugochi Isu, James Losey 1331-Plat 3:15 pm STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR GERMLINE ANTIBODY BINDING TO ZIKA VIRUS ENVELOPE DOMAIN III. Shannon R. Esswein , Pamela J. Bjorkman Platform Protein Prediction, Design, and Stability II 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Chair Dorothy Beckett, University of Maryland, USA No Abstract 2:00 pm SHIFTING ENSEMBLES OF RESIDUE NETWORKS IN EVOLUTION OF PRO- TEIN ALLOSTERY. Dorothy Beckett 1332-Plat 2:30 pm DIRECT OBSERVATION OF THE CONTRACTION OF AN UNFOLDED PROTEIN WITH TEMPERATURE. Michael C. Baxa , Xiaoxuan Lin, Srinivas Chakravar- thy, Joseph R. Sachleben, Joshua A. Riback, Isabelle Gagnon, Patricia L. Clark, Tobin R. Sosnick



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