Biophysical Society 65th Annual Meeting Program Guide
Platform Bioengineering, Biosurfaces, and Biomaterials 10:00 am - 11:30 am Chair Thomas Pucadyil, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India 946-Plat 10:00 am MEMBRANE FISSION: INSIGHTS FROM RECONSTITUTING ORGANELLE FORM AND CHEMISTRY. Thomas Pucadyil 947-Plat 10:30 am RAPID CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC VIRAL DETECTION WITH SALIVA BY A NOVEL SINGLE STEP NESTED MANGO-NASBA ASSAY. Haruki Iino , Amir Abdol- ahzadeh, Elena Dolgosheina, Paul Poudevigne-Durance, George Moore, Paul Girvan, Artur Kaczmarczyk, Tianyi Zhang, Matt D. Newton, Peter J. Unrau, David S. Rueda 948-Plat 10:45 am ERYTHRO-VLP: ERYTHROCYTE VIRUS-LIKE-PARTICLES. Sebastian Himbert , Maikel Rheinstädter 949-Plat 11:00 am IDENTIFYING ENTHALPIC BARRIERS TO ENTROPICALLY-DRIVEN STRUC- TURAL DISRUPTION IN BREAST CANCERS. Vasudha Srivastava , Jennifer L. Hu, James C. Garbe, Martha R. Stampfer, Mark A. LaBarge, Matthew Thomson, Zev J. Gartner 950-Plat 11:15 am INVESTIGATING DPPC LIPOSOMES AND THEIR CAPACITY TO ASSIMILATE 2,2’,3,3’,4,4’-HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL, AN EMERGING ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANT. Monica D. Rieth , Andrew J. Lozano Exhibits 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Exhibitor Presentation Nanion Technologies 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Automated Electrophysiology For Any Kinetics: Ion Channels & Transporters Ion channels and transporters are important physiological and pharmaco- logical targets. Electrophysiology remains the gold standard for studying these important targets and automation of the technique ensures higher throughput is achieved whilst maintaining high data quality. In this virtual symposium, Nanion Technologies provides two case studies where au- tomated patch clamp (APC) or solid-supported membrane (SSM)-based electrophysiology devices were used in different applications. After a short greeting by Dr. Niels Fertig, CEO, Nanion Technologies will welcome two exceptional speakers, Dr Nina Braun (University of Copenhagen) and Dr. Matthias Quick (Columbia University). Dr. Nina Braun presents recent work, with focus on establishing a high- throughput protocol to conduct functional and pharmacological investi- gations of non-canonical amino acids (ncAA)-containing hASIC1a (human acid-sensing ion channel 1a) variants in transiently transfected mammali- an cells. Incorporation of ncAAs can endow proteins with novel functional- ities, such as crosslinking or fluorescence. Function of these variants in ion channels can be studied with great precision using standard electrophysi- ology, but this approach is typically labor intensive and low throughput. During the study, three different photocrosslinking ncAAs were introduced into 103 positions and the function of the resulting 309 variants was as- sessed with SyncroPatch 384i automated patch-clamp platform, demon- strating that the approach is efficient and versatile, as it is amenable to
assessing even complex pharmacological modulation by peptides. The data show that the acidic pocket is a major determinant for current decay and live-cell crosslinking provides insight into the hASIC1a-psalmotoxin-1 interaction. Overall, this protocol aims to enable future APC-based studies of ncAA-containing ion channels in mammalian cells. Next, Dr. Matthias Quick is focusing on the study of ion-dependent trans- porters with special emphasis on Na + or H + -coupled symporters. Whereas flux studies with radiolabeled solutes use the target protein reconstituted in proteoliposomes provided a wealth of information, the determination of the thermodynamically-coupled solute transport-associated flux of H + or Na + has been challenging. By using the SURFE 2 R N1 SSM platform, his team was able to quickly collect data of solute transport-associated flux of co-transported ions across the membrane of proteoliposomes contain- ing different target proteins. Additionally, with SURFE 2 R technology it is possible to collect data for a full kinetic characterization of a target pro- tein such as its dependence on substrate and ion concentrations, pH, and potential essential additives, as well as its substrate recognition profile. The SURFE2R system also enables the use of a wide range of substrates that are readily commercially available, avoiding the use of radiolabeled compounds. Speakers Nina Braun, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Drug Design and Phar- macology, University of Copenhagen Matthias Quick, Associate Professor of Neurobiology (Psychiatry), Colum- bia University Medical Center (CUMC) Break 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Poster Presentations and Late Posters 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm General Networking 1:00 pm-2:00 pm Catch up with colleagues and friends in the biophysical community during our networking hour. This event, which is open to all meeting attendees, provides meet-and-greet opportunities to enhance your virtual meeting experience. Exhibitor Presentation Andor Technology 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm SRRF-Stream + - A Flexible and Effective Solution For Real-Time and Live Cell Superresolution Microscopy Much of the inner workings of the cell are hidden from view below the classical diffraction limit of light-based imaging microscopy. Superresolu- tion techniques such as STORM, PALM, STED and SIM have smashed past this barrier and have helped enable cell biology to be studied in consider- ably more detail. However, there are limitations to these techniques especially when con- sidering live cell imaging. Superresolution techniques may require costly microscopy equipment, high illumination intensities, long acquisition times or specialised fluorophores. SRRF (Superresolution Radial Fluctua- tions) offers an alternative software-based approach that counters many of these limitations (Gustafsson et al 2016). Specifically, it allows for superresolution at low illumination intensities, using standard fluorophores on a conventional microscope. Understand- ably SRRF has become widely used. One development of SRRF is SRRF- Stream. This version is exclusive to Andor Technology and optimizes GPU processing to unlock real-time live superresolution from a microscope. We now present an updated version of SRRF-Stream called “SRRF- Stream + ” which allows for improvements in the image quality over the original version of SRRF-Stream. We also show that SRRF-Stream+ can be
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