Biophysical Society Bulletin | December 2024
Thematic Meeting
Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States. An out standing number of women scientists contributed as both speakers and poster presenters, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity in the field. The meeting organizers, Giulia Palermo (University of Califor nia, Riverside), Rommie Amaro (University of California, San Diego), Gabriel Landera (Scripps Research), Alessandra Magis trato (SISSA), and Joanna Trylska (University of Warsaw), would like to thank all the participants, the Biophysical Society, the European Center for Atomic and Molecular Calculations (CECAM), and the sponsoring foundations for supporting our scientific community as we continue to push the frontiers of biophysics.
Meeting Organizers from left to right Alessandra Magistrato, Giulia Palermo, Joanna Trylska, and Gabriel C. Lander.
Congratulations to the Winners of the Biophysical Journal Poster Competition The Biophysical Journal sponsors poster awards at each BPS Thematic Meeting to highlight and support the work being done by the next generation of researchers. At the Emerging Theoretical Approaches to Complement Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy Thematic Meeting, 4 pre senters were selected for their excellent research from the 21 posters that were shown. Student Winners and Poster Titles: Elisa Moller , University of Maryland, USA
Polymer Extracted Structure of the Mechanosensitive Channel MSCS Reveals Lipid-Mediated Mechanism of Inactivation Joel Yeo , National University of Singapore, Singapore Ghostbuster—A Diffraction Tomography Algorithm for Cryo-EM Particle Refinement Postdoc Winners and Poster Titles: Fabio Lapenta , International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Italy Cryo-EM Structure of the 8 MDA Human Vault Particle at 3.2 Angstrom Ricardo Rozza , SISSA, Italy Molecular Mechanism of Zinc-Catalyzed Covalent Splicing Modulation
Biophysical Journal poster award winners (from left to right): Elisa Moller, Joel Yeo, Fabio Lapenta, and Ricardo Rozzo, along with conference Organizing Committee Co-Chair Joanna Trylska.
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December 2024
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