BPS Program Book 2014
fit simultaneous to define voltage-dependent rate constants or data from Temperature-jump or Pressure-jump experiments. In addition, equilib- rium titration data can be fit using a unique endpoint simulation method, and time-resolved spectra can be fit using singular value decomposition (SVD). Moreover, all experiments can be fit simultaneously. Presenters: Kenneth A. Johnson,President, KinTek Corporation Roger Williams, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin 1:00 pm –2:30 pm , R oom 307 Moving on from Your Postdoc Position Negotiating the Transition This popular session, hosted by the Early Careers Committee, will provide advice on how to find a permanent position after your postdoctoral training. Speakers: Seth Robia, Loyola University, Chicago Stuart Campbell, Yale University Ravi Balijepalli, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Marcos Sotomayor, The Ohio State Universit 1:45 pm –3:00 pm , H all D Snack Break 1:45 pm –3:45 pm , H all D Poster Presentations and Late Posters (For a complete listing of regular Sunday Poster Presentations, see page 26.) The list of Sunday Late Posters is in the Program addendum. Posters will be on display all day long. Authors with odd-numbered boards will present from 1:45 pm–2:45 pm, and those with even-numbered boards will present from 2:45 pm–3:45 pm. Additional hours (day or evening) may be posted by the authors as desired. Paper may also be left on the board so that visitors may request an appointment. Posters should be mounted at 6:00 pm on Saturday and removed by 5:30 pm on Sunday evening. Posters will be on view until 10:00 pm the night before presentation. Poster numbers shown refer to the program order of abstracts as they appear in the online Abstracts Issue. Board numbers indicate where boards are located in the Exhibit Hall. 2:00 pm –3:30 pm , R oom 310 Teaching Science Like We Do Science: Integration of Research and Education Workshop This workshop is designed to highlight undergraduate STEM education initiatives at the national level. The presentation and discussion will focus on both resources available for faculty to aid them in developing effective practices and funding opportunities for faculty interested in bringing curricular and instructional change to their courses. Speakers: Terry Woodin, NSF Melissa McCartney, Science in the Classroom, AAAS 2:15 pm –3:30 pm , R oom 309 Wiki-Edit 2014 Contest Kick-off: The Importance of Open License Media to Our Science Interested in learning more about the need for open-license media, and perhaps entering the Society’s second annual wiki-edit contest to do your part for biophysics, on the medium we all use? Come to this demon- stration and discussion for contest entrants and anyone curious about the do’s and don’ts of posting images and the broader impact of such
12:00 pm –1:00 pm , R oom 300 Career Center Workshop
Selling Yourself to the Life Sciences Industry The industrial employer is looking for a different set of skills and at- titudes than either the academic or government employer. Learn what the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries want to hear from potential employees and why. Learn how to develop and best position your market- ing message in order to improve the chances of a successful industrial job search. 12:00 pm –1:00 pm , R oom 121 International Travel Awardee Luncheon Recipients of the 2014 International Travel Awards will be recognized during this luncheon. This event is hosted by the International Relations Committee. 12:00 pm –2:00 pm , R oom 302 This event, sponsored by the Committee for Professional Opportunities for Women, will accelerate and expand the professional impact of mid-career biophysicists. How can you continue to develop your career AFTER having secured a job and AFTER having established a lab? Learn how to increase your impact and to widen your scientific influence beyond the bench. This year’s discussion will center on the value of a supportive professional net- work and will include dos and don’ts of professional interactions. The goal is for you to begin to add to your existing network advisors, mentors, and ad- vocates for the “next step,” which can be serving on grant review panels and editorial boards or becoming more involved with decision-making at your institution and in professional societies. Experienced panelists, including department chairs, society leaders and senior editors will each speak briefly about their own experiences, leading into an extended question-and-answer exchange with the audience. The session will close with small-group and one-on-one interactions aimed to offer more individualized suggestions for career advancement and opportunities for networking. Pre-registration was required for lunch. If you are interested in attending and did not register, you are welcome to participate on a space-available basis. Speakers: Alfred L. George, Jr., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Ivet Bahar, University of Pittsburgh Harel Weinstein, Weill Cornell Medical College 12:45 pm –2:15 pm , R oom 122 Public Affairs Committee Meeting 1:00 pm –2:30 pm , R oom 123 Exhibitor Presentation KinTek New Advances in Fitting Kinetic and Equilibrium Data by Simulation Fitting kinetic data based upon numerical integration of rate equations offers many advantages over conventional fitting of data based upon equations derived from simple models. Fitting by simulation is the most rigorous, and eliminates the need to derive equations; however, it also requires an understanding of the kinetics and critical thought to avoid overly complex models. In this presentation, Dr. Johnson will show how global fitting of kinetic data can be accomplished with ease using the fast, dynamic simulation in KinTek Explorer software, overcoming the all-to-common errors in conventional fitting. Moreover, data are fit to derive rate constants directly defining steps in a model. New advances in the software allow fitting ki- netic data from single molecule experiments and families of curves can be Mid-Career Interactive Forum: The Art and Perils of Networking
Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
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