BPS2025 Full Program
88-Plat 9:15 am MEMBRANE SURFACE CHARGE MODULATES THE STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL DYNAMICS OF THE SLIDE HELIX OF KIRBAC1.1. Arpan Bysack, Chandrima Jash, H Raghuraman 89-Plat 9:30 am UNDERSTANDING ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME: BINDING OF BETA 2-GLYCOPROTEIN I TO ANIONIC MEMBRANES. Hale S. Hasdemir , Nicola Pozzi, Emad Tajkhorshid 90-Plat 9:45 am SYSTEMATIC COMPUTATIONAL INVESTIGATION OF SCRAMBLING MECHANISM ACROSS TMEM16 FAMILY. Christina A. Stephens, Niek van Hilten, Lisa Zheng 91-FlashTalk 10:00 am LIPID PREFERENCE OF PIEZO1 MODULATES ITS CURVATURE SORTING IN THE PLASMA MEMBRANE. Shilong Yang , Zheng Shi 92-FlashTalk 10:05 am EFFECT OF CHARGED POLYMERS & CHARGED LIPIDS ON THE BIOPHYSI CAL STUDIES OF MEMBRANE PROTEINS. Evelyn A. Okorafor , Nancy C. Rotich, Gary A. Lorigan 93-FlashTalk 10:10 am DECODING THE PROTON-COUPLED PHOSPHOLIPID TRANSPORT PATHWAY IN GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA. Yupeng Li , Hale S. Hasdemir, Carlos R. Cuellar Rodriguez, Cristina C. Santarossa, Damian C. Ekiert, Gira Bhabha, Emad Tajkhorshid CPOW Committee Meeting 8:30 am - 10:30 am, Room 405 Career Development Center Workshop Networking for Biophysicists: How to Create Your Dream Career 9:00 am - 10:30 am, Room 409B In this session, we will discuss how to leverage networking to create a unique, customized career, which we call Your Unicorn Career. Your Unicorn Career is an authentic career that brings you joy, meaning, and money, and we will address how to use a data-driven process to elucidate what Your Unicorn Career can be. We will address how to understand your unique value, skills and interests and how to align that with employers who will hire you. We will discuss various methods for finding and building win-win collaborations with people in different pro fessions and pathways to create opportunities for your unicorn career to come to fruition. Exhibitor Presentation Bruker 9:30 am - 11:00 am, Room 404AB The Bruker Vutara VXL: Dual-Camera Super-Resolution Microscopy with Fluidics, spTracking, and Live Cell Imaging The Bruker Vutara VXL is a cutting-edge single-molecule localization mi croscopy (SMLM) system that breaks the diffraction limit of traditional fluorescence microscopy, achieving an optical resolution of 20 nm. Its dual-camera system enables simultaneous multi-color imaging, provid ing a comprehensive view of cellular processes. The integration with the PlexFlo fluidics platform supports automated, high-throughput experiments, enhancing experimental efficiency and reproducibility. The Vutara VXL also excels in single-particle tracking (sp Tracking) and live cell imaging, allowing for dynamic studies of molecu lar interactions and cellular behaviors in real-time.
Employing techniques such as STORM, PALM, dSTORM, and DNA-PAINT, the Vutara VXL constructs high-resolution images of cellular structures, proteins, RNA, and chromosomal regions. Its proprietary bi-plane tech nology extends imaging into the third dimension, enabling the visualiza tion of thick specimens without TIRF illumination. This presentation will highlight the Vutara VXL’s dual-camera system, fluidics integration, spTracking, and live cell imaging capabilities, dem onstrating how these features enhance super-resolution imaging and facilitate complex biological research. Speaker Winfried Wiegraebe, Product Manager Super-Resolution Microscopy, Bruker Exhibits 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, West Exhibit Hall Coffee Break 10:15 am - 11:00 am, West Exhibit Hall Career Development Center Workshop What Can You Do with a PhD? A Lot More Than You Might Think 10:30 am - 11:30 am, Room 409B Exhibitor Presentation Sophion Bioscience A/S 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, Room 406AB Recent Advances in Automated Patch Clamp Assays with QPatch, QPatch Compact, and Qube Systems Effective ion channel drug discovery demands the seamless integration of advanced technologies and streamlined workflows. Sophion Biosci ence is at the forefront of automated patch clamp technology, offering innovative solutions for low, medium, and high-throughput applications tailored for both industry and academia. Our QPatch and Qube systems are fully automated, while the QPatch Compact system offers a semi automated option, providing flexibility for a range of research needs. With the QPatch and Qube, researchers can perform 8, 16, 48, or up to 384 parallel patch clamp recordings, supported by sophisticated computer-controlled liquid handling and on-board cell handling capabili ties in the automated models. The QPatch Compact, a more hands-on system, allows for individual or simultaneous recordings across 8 chan nels, enabling precise control and adaptability in experiments. Sophion’s platforms deliver robust, reliable workflows for ion chan nel and electrophysiology applications, accelerating the discovery and development of therapeutics targeting ion channels. Join us for a workshop where speakers will explore practical applications of the QPatch, QPatch Compact, and Qube systems in drug discovery, offering valuable insights into optimizing ion channel research through these cutting-edge tools. Speaker Daniel Sauter, Application Science Manager, Sophion Bioscience A/S
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