BPS2025 Full Program
Exhibitor Presentation Malvern Panalytical 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Room 404AB Rapid Screening for Binding Kinetics and Orthogonal Validation: The Use of GCI and ITC Understanding molecular interactions is fundamental to drug discovery and biomolecular research. Key parameters such as affinity, kinetic rates, and thermodynamic profiles provide essential insights into binding mechanisms. This talk presents an approach utilizing Grating Coupled Interferometry (GCI) for rapid kinetic screening and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) for orthogonal validation of selected hits. GCI offers a high-throughput, label-free solution for real-time kinetic analysis, enabling rapid screening of binding events with minimal sample consumption. GCI is a surface-based technique providing bind ing rate constants and affinity data with high sensitivity. Notably, GCI delivers both association and dissociation rate constants at the initial screening stage using only one concentration. ITC can serve as a solution-based, label-free method for validating hits, adding a comprehensive thermodynamic perspective. The measured parameters include binding affinity (Kd), enthalpy (?H), entropy (?S), stoichiometry, as well as the activity of binding components, providing a robust orthogonal validation of the kinetic data. An approach combining GCI screening with ITC validation enhances the confidence and reliability of binding characterizations, supporting more informed decision-making in drug development pipelines. Speaker Stoyan Milev, Applications Specialist, Malvern Panalytical Career Development Center Workshop Public Speaking Masterclass: How to Rock the Podium and Give a Fantastic Talk 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Room 409B In this session, you will learn from a professional speaker how to deliver a fantastic talk every single time. Whether you are giving a poster, job talk, a speech for a colloquium, journal club, or virtual endeavor, and everything in between, you will emerge with knowledge about the techniques of how to construct stories, utilize verbal and body language effectively, explain and reduce jargon, and create connections with your audience. You will emerge more confident and excited to rock your next talk! Public Affairs Committee Meeting 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Room 405 Exhibitor Presentation HORIBA 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm, Room 406AB Introducing the InverTau Confocal FLIM Platform and Novel Applications Using the FLIMera Lifetime Camera Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) is an advanced imag ing technique that measures the decay rate, or “lifetime,” of fluorescent molecules in a sample, and provides a temporal dimension for added contrast to fluorescent intensity. This unique approach makes FLIM especially valuable for studying complex biological and chemical envi ronments, as it provides insights that are independent of fluorophore concentration.
With FLIM’s booming demand, researchers are in need of faster acquisi tions to accurately capture biological dynamics, and more affordable instrumentation so that FLIM can be accessible to more nuanced ap plications. To address these needs, Horiba has introduced the InverTau confocal laser scanning FLIM platform that provides high-end specifica tions at low-end pricing along with the FLIMera first-to-market SPAD array camera that is capable of true TCSPC on per pixel basis providing FLIM data at video-rates. In this presentation we will review the specifications of the new Inver Tau confocal FLIM system and how it applies to common FLIM applica tions such as protein-protein interactions (FRET), diffusion studies (FCS), molecular environmental sensitivity (pH, ion concentration, oxygen levels, etc.), and non-invasive label free imaging. We will also review the FLIMera TCSPC camera and discus novel applica tions using this first of its kind device including real-time monitoring of blood flow using TD-NIRS, contaminant analysis via light scatter, and imaging opaque substances using time-slicing techniques. Speaker Ross Keyashian, North American Fluorescence Imaging Product Man ager, HORIBA Education and Career Opportunities Fair 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, West Exhibit Hall Come to this fair to meet with representatives from educational institutions as well as industry and government agencies. Students and postdoctoral candidates will be able to meet with representatives from colleges and universities with leading programs in biophysics. Attendees can connect with representatives from industry and agencies who will provide information about employment and funding opportunities at their institutions/companies. Learn about the variety of opportunities available and talk one-on-one with representatives from participating organizations! Career Development Center Workshop A Novel Approach to Writing NIH-Style Research and Training Applications: Rhetorical Patterns, Storytelling, Verbal Feedback 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm, Room 409B Exhibitor Presentation Bruker 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm, Room 404AB Visualizing Molecular Dynamics with High-Speed Tip-Scanning Atomic Force Microscopy Biological systems exhibit very high structural and functional dynamics on molecular scales. Understanding the principles of the kinetics behind structural changes at that scale is of critical importance when studying samples ranging from single membrane proteins to complex macro molecular systems, in order to accurately develop novel therapeutic applications. We have used high-speed tip-scanning atomic force mi croscopy (AFM) with a kilohertz linerate to visualize molecular dynamics by enabling temporal resolution on the sub-100-milisecond scale. The use of a tip-scanning AFM, as compared to a sample-scanning system, enables high-resolution correlation experiments with advanced optical techniques. We will give two examples in which high-speed tip-scanning AFM was applied for studying of structural transitions and biomolecular dynamics in samples, containing triangular DNA origamis and photosen sitive surfactants.
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