BPS2025 Full Program
Platform Cytoskeleton: Mechanics, Dynamics, and Motility I 8:15 am - 10:15 am, Room 511ABC Co-Chairs Alexis Darras, Saarland University, Germany Erdem Tabdanov, Pennsylvania State University, USA 857-Plat 8:15 am WHAT IF THE ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) IS TOO SLOW? NEW PARAMETERS. NEW EXPLANATIONS. NEW APPLICATIONS. Alexis Darras , Min Qiao, Kevin Peikert, Anne Hecksteden, Emeric Stauffer, Ben oit Champigneulle, Aurelien Pichon, Michael Furian, Elie Nader, Philippe Joly, Samuel Verges, Andreas Hermann, Philippe Connes, Christian Wagner, Lars Kaestner 858-Plat 8:30 am SURFACE REMODELING AND INVERSION OF MATRIX-CELL INTERACTION UNDERLIES COMMUNITY RECOGNITION AND DISPERSAL IN BIOFILMS. Alexis P. Moreau , Danh Nguyen, Alex Hinbest, Anthony Zamora, Ran juna Weerasekera, Katherine Matej, Xuening Zhou, Sandra Sanchez, Carey D. Nadell, Wai-leung Ng, Vernita D. Gordon, Natalia L. Komarova, Rich A. Olson, Ying Li, Jing Yan 859-Plat 8:45 am MULTI-SCALE MODELING TO PREDICT CANCER CELL MECHANICS AND MIGRATION BASED ON TRANSCRIPTIONAL STATE AND MICROENVIRON MENT. Esra Tiftik , Stephanie I. Fraley, Parag Katira 860-Plat 9:00 am MECHANICAL STRAIN CAUSES HERITABLE MUTATIONS. Dennis E. Discher , Markus T. Sprenger, Alisya Anlas 861-Plat 9:15 am ILLUMINATING MECHANOTRANSDUCTION IN BREAST CANCER METASTASIS USING OPTOGENETIC VINCULIN AND SPECTR, A SIMPLE AND SENSITIVE METHOD TO VISUALIZE VINCULIN CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES. Joseph M. Szulczewski , Mingyu Choi, Saygin Gulec, Gabe Kreider-Letterman, Klaus M. Hahn 862-Plat 9:30 am OPTIMIZATION OF THERAPEUTIC T CELLS THROUGH BIOPHYSICAL MOD ELING. Roberto Alonso Matilla , Paolo P. Provenzano, David J. Odde 863-Plat 9:45 am HIGHER ORDER MODEL OF AMOEBOID T-CELL MIGRATION IN COMPLEX MICROENVIRONMENTS UNIFIES CELL CORTEX, MICROTUBULES AND NUCLEUS MECHANICS INTO A SINGULAR SYSTEM. Erdem Tabdanov 864-FlashTalk 10:00 am VISCOELASTIC MECHANICS! NOT ELASTIC REGULATES CANCER CELL MEMORY AND CYTOSKELETON CONTRACTION. Yan Lu 865-FlashTalk 10:05 am COLLECTIVE EFFECTS OF PRESTIN IN HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFICA TION BY OUTER HAIR CELLS. Aditya Nandy , Gregory Rassolov, Carlos Floyd, Patrick R. Haller, Benoit Roux, Eduardo Perozo, Suriyanarayanan 10:10 am PRINCIPLES OF CELLULAR BEHAVIOR: INTEGRATING CELLULAR STRUC TURE, DYNAMICS, AND DECISION MAKING IN A UNICELLULAR WALKER. Ben T. Larson , Wallace Marshall Vaikuntanathan 866-FlashTalk
Career Development Center Workshop Demystifying the Academic Job Search I:
Understanding the Search 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Room 409B
What goes on inside search committees; the “black box” of the academic job search process? How are they constituted, what are their processes, and what do they look for when assessing applicants? Answers to these and other questions presented by Andrew Green, PhD a veteran of the academic job search and numerous search committees. Exhibitor Presentation Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC 9:30 am - 11:00 am, Room 404AB Spectral RICS - Mapping Molecular Interactions in the Cellular Environment Speaker Jelle Hendrix, Professor, Hasselt University Spectral RICS combines LSM imaging with information about the behav ior of proteins in their cellular environment. This integrated approach facilitates the identification of regions exhibiting diverse molecular characteristics. Uniquely, through spectral unmixing, Spectral RICS provides an optimal foundation for investigating protein-protein binding behavior. You will learn how Spectral RICs can be used to obtain unbi ased information of protein interaction, explore protein mobility within the cellular context, and integrate confocal imaging with molecular characteristics. This talk will also cover the basics of raster image cor relation spectroscopy (RICs), show how Spectral RICs helps to broaden the application possibilities for RICs by providing unbiased information on protein-protein interactions, and include application examples to highlight the power of Spectral RICs. The ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow: Connecting Cell Structure and Function in the Near-to-Native State Speaker Samantha McMullin, Business Development Manager – Cell Biology, ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has transformed structural biology by providing deep insights into the architecture and dynamics of biologi cal macromolecules and cellular structures. Recent advancements in cryo-EM techniques have improved our ability to visualize complex biological systems in near-native states. While transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offers high-resolution imaging, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with focused ion beam (FIB) technology is essential for producing high-quality specimens for TEM. This talk will present the ZEISS solution for integrating cell and structural biology through a correlative cryo workflow that combines widefield, laser scanning microscopy (LSM), and FIB-SEM. This approach enables the preparation of targeted, high-quality samples for downstream TEM imaging. Attendees will learn how to examine cellular structures in their near-native state to address fundamental questions regarding protein organization and function. The ZEISS cryo correlative solution features hardware and software opti mized for cryogenic workflows, including the localization of fluorescent macromolecules with the exceptional 3D resolution of LSM and Airyscan detection. It also includes high-contrast volume imaging and on-grid lamella thinning using ZEISS Crossbeam FIB-SEM technology. This streamlined workflow enables high-resolution fluorescence imaging cor related with high-contrast volume imaging and 3D reconstruction, while also accommodating both cryo and room temperature samples.
CID Committee Meeting 8:30 am - 10:30 am, Room 405
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