BPS2025 Full Program
Justice for Underrepresented Scholars Training in Biophysics (JUST-B) Poster Session 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, West Lobby Foyer at Entrance The JUST-B (Justice for Underrepresented Scholars Training in Biophys ics) Poster Session will celebrate the achievements of underrepresented and underserved students, postdocs, and early career researchers in the field of biophysics. The poster session will promote the endeavors of trainees, offer support through networking opportunities, and serve as a recruitment venue for those seeking to diversify their pool of future graduate students, postdocs, faculty, staff scientists, journal editors, or any other career within biophysics. All are welcome to attend. Exhibitor Presentation Thermo Fisher Scientific 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm, Room 404AB Pushing the Boundaries of What’s Possible with Cryo-Electron Microscopy Join Thermo Fisher Scientific for refreshments as we present our latest developments in sample preparation, sample screening, and data acqui sition for the single particle analysis (SPA) and Cryo-Electron Tomogra phy workflows. We will discuss how these advancements enhance ef ficiency and simplify operation, enabling better use of high-throughput cryo-electron microscopes in both industrial and entry-level laboratory environments. This session will not only benefit current users of Thermo Fisher Scientific cryo-TEMs – offering advice for improved workflows – but will also provide new users an understanding of the workflows that make starting your journey to cryo-EM a possibility. For the SPA workflow, we will present the latest developments in the Thermo Scientific Smart EPU software that simplify and automate data acquisition by leveraging multiple “Smart Plugins”: AI-based algorithms designed to streamline setup of a data acquisition session and optimize data acquisition settings in real-time. These Smart Plugins support the autonomous screening of multiple grids with limited user input and improve throughput and reduce user error. Next, we will demonstrate how Thermo Scientific Tomography 5 Soft ware and Tomo Live Software can significantly enhance your Cryo-Elec tron Tomography workflow, from data acquisition to real-time analysis. Tomography 5 enables increased throughput of your tomography experiments through automated cassette mapping, batch tomography, and multi-shot acquisition, while Tomo Live enables on-the-fly data quality assessment through automated alignment and reconstruc tion of tilt-series data. By bridging the gap between data acquisition and processing with the combination of Tomography 5 and Tomo Live, researchers can see reconstructed tomograms within five minutes of tilt series recording. Lastly, learn how we are innovating sample preparation through our first open science program, The Open Plunge Initiative. By offering an industrialized cryo-EM screening pipeline with a modular platform built for comprehensive assessment of grid quality to the EM community, we believe we can help drive progress and innovation in cryo-EM sample preparation. Speakers Julio Ortiz, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific Edward Pryor, Senior Director of Product Marketing and Application Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific Membership Committee Meeting 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Room 405
Career Development Center Workshop Navigating an International Job Search 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Room 409B
This workshop will delve into the details of how to plan an international job search, including what to do and when, no matter where in the world you are located or want to go. Symposium AI-ML in Drug Discovery and Development 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Petree Hall C Chair Jens Meiler, Vanderbilt University, USA No Abstract 4:00 pm PHYSICS-BASED AND DATA-BASED APPROACHES: YIN AND YANG OF DRUG DISCOVERY. Vsevolod Katritch 926-Symp 4:25 pm GENERATIVE PEPTIDE DRUG DESIGN. Jianing Li No Abstract 4:50 pm FROM AFFINITY TO ACTIVITY: LIGAND EFFICACY PREDICTION THROUGH BINDING THERMODYNAMICS. Martin Vögele 927-SympSelect 5:15 pm AI-DRIVEN AND RATIONAL DESIGN OF MODULATORS OF CARGO RECRUITMENT BY THE REGULATORY LIGHT CHAINS OF THE UBIQUI TOUS KINESIN 1 MOTOR PROTEIN. Giulia Morra , Marco Leusciatti, Elisa Peirano, Massimiliano Meli, Roberto A. Steiner 928-Symp 5:35 pm HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS RESHAPING PROTEIN STRUCTURE PREDICTION AND THERAPEUTIC DESIGN - FROM SMALL MOLECULES TO NEW MODALITIES. Jens Meiler Symposium Label-free Approaches to Characterizing Membranes VISUALIZING LIPID MEMBRANE STRUCTURE WITH CRYO-EM: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Karan D. Sharma, Neal Waxham, Frederick A. Heberle 930-Symp 4:25 pm A RECIPROCAL SPACE ODYSSEY: EXPLORING BIOMEMBRANE PROPER TIES WITH NEUTRON SCATTERING. Elizabeth G. Kelley 931-Symp 4:50 pm COPPER MEDIATED LIPID BINDING TUNES TRAAK FUNCTION. Yun Zhu, Hanieh Bahramimoghaddam, Jing-Yuan Chang, Kristen Alanis, Michael Lynn, Lauren Stover, Gaya Yadav, David H. Russell, Georg Hochberg, Lane Baker, Arthur Laganowsky 932-SympSelect 5:15 pm LABEL-FREE SUBCELLULAR TRACKING IN PLANT CELLS ENHANCED BY AI-BASED ARTIFICIAL LABELING. Samira Ebrahimi, Guillermo S. Moreno Pescador , Liselotte Jauffred, Mirja Granfors, Jesús Pineda, Giovanni Volpe, Carlo Manzo, Alexander Rohrbach, Poul Martin Bendix, Staffan Persson 933-Symp 5:35 pm PROTEIN SECONDARY STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS IN BIOMOLECULAR CONDENSATES. Carlos Baiz and Membrane Assemblies 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Petree Hall D Chair Carlos Baiz, University of Texas at Austin, USA 929-Symp 4:00 pm
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