Program Book

These advances of convergence in instrumentation will be utilized in various kinds of biomedical research and become a new driving force for biophysics and nanobioscience.

3:00 pm–4:30 pm Bruker Nano Surfaces Atomic Force Microscopy for Biological Research

Physical properties including structures such as shape/size and mechanics such as strength/stiffness/ interaction forces play crucial roles in biological processes. Quantification of this at various length scales is necessary because of the heterogeneous/complex nature of biologics. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a unique research tool because of its abilities to perform measure- ments with both high spatial and force resolution in fluid under physiologi- cal conditions. In this tutorial, Bruker will present theories behind AFM, bio-applications in high-speed AFM, and practical guides to quantitative mechanical measurements and analysis of biological samples ranging from a single membrane protein to a single cell. While the key experiments pre- sented will encompass research in microbiology/pain mediation/cancer, the methodology has also been employed in other disciplines including patho- genesis/stem cell differentiation/cell signaling and more.

Presenter Sangjoon Cho, Senior Director of Research & Development, Park Systems, Inc. 11:00 am–12:30 pm Nanion Technologies

Workshop on Automated Patch Clamp: From Single Channels, Primary Cells, Action Potentials to 384 giga-seal Recordings in a Parallel HTS Format The Port-a-Patch recently turned 10 years old, and is going stronger than ever. It’s still the smallest patch clamp rig in the world, and makes patch clamp recordings accessible to anyone spending a couple of hours with it. Giga-seal recordings and the excellent voltage-clamp of the cellular mem- brane ensure high quality data, and the Port-a-Patch add-ons allow unprec- edented experimental freedom, including temperature control, internal per- fusion, automated action potential recordings, and recordings from primary and stem cell-derived cells. Recently, the Port-a-Patch technology was scaled up to eight simultaneous recordings (Patchliner), maintaining the same data quality and experimental possibilities, and now we did it again: 384 Port-a-Patches have been shrunk to fit inside a shoebox – called the Patch Engine (PE). Two Patch Engines can be integrated per SyncroPatch 384PE platform, allowing for patch clamp-based ion channel HTS from up to 768 cells in parallel, and we will tell you more about it during this workshop. Another topic for the workshop is the bilayer-reconstitution of ion chan- nels and nanopores, efficiently investigated using the Orbit 16, a parallel device for formation of and recordings for up to 16 artificial bilayers at once. Using Micro Electrode Cavity Array (MECA, Ionera), a 4 x 4 array of circular micro-cavities in a highly inert polymer, the bilayer is automatically formed by remotely actuated painting (Ionera- SPREAD). Welcome to our workshop and learn from live, hands-on experiments on the Port-a-Patch and Orbit 16, and let us show you how to scale up your ion channel screening project to HTS-standards! Presenters Niels Fertig, CEO, Nanion Technologies Andrea Brüggemann, CSO, Nanion Technologies Gerhard Baaken, Ionera 1:00 pm–2:30 pm World Precision Instruments, Inc. Applications in Biophysics Utilizing World Precision Instrument’s (WPI) New Biofluorometer Introduction to WPI’s New Biofluorometer with high-power LED mod- ules. Potential applications and experimental design will be discussed in the field of Biophysics, including integration with Muscle Physiology experiments and microscopy systems for general fluorescence applications.

Presenter Senli Guo, Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Surfaces

5:00 pm–6:30 pm HEKA Elektronik HEKA Electrophysiology Update

For over 40 years, HEKA Elektronik has provided innovative products, expert tech support and unmatched service to their customers. HEKA’s commitment to technological innovation is reflected by consistent updat- ing of both hardware and software. While yesterday’s gold standards try to keep pace with the latest research techniques, HEKA takes the lead. By popular demand, HEKA is hosting a series of user meetings with tutorial presentations. On one hand, some of the new products will be showcased to the experienced user and, on the other hand, step-by-step guidance is provided to the researcher who is new to the field. Registration is available online through the HEKA Events Page ( events.php), or by email to The number of available spaces, food and drink are limited, and registrations are accepted on a first- come-first-served basis. Who should attend? - Scientists with experience in patch clamp electrophysiology and related scientific techniques - Researchers who want to become more efficient in the use of electro- physiology acquisition and analysis software - PostDocs and graduate students who want to learn more about electro- physiology techniques Presenters Hubert Affolter, Senior Software Architect, HEKA Elektronik Jan Dolzer, Vice President Sales & Marketing, HEKA Elektronik Global Telly Galiatsatos, General Manager, HEKA Instruments

Presenter Mathias Belz, Director of Optics, World Precision Instruments, Inc.


Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

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