BPS2025 Full Program
Learn how to: • Streamline the workflow for detecting minis events • Enable accurate measurement on each detected event • Easily add or delete missing or unwanted events • Detect superimposed events • Adjust the event baseline • Display slope marker and fitting curve • Save and re-open the data file Speaker Jeffrey Tang, Lead, Global Axon Electrophysiology Application Scientist, Molecular Devices Speed Networking 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm, Concourse Foyer Career development and networking are essential in science but can require a significant time commitment. This event offers a chance to speed network-a quick, effective way to connect with a wide range of biophysicists, Mid-career and more experienced scientists can explore ways to get more involved in the Society or find positions in labs. Early career scientists can discuss career goals and challenges, get advice on tenure or grant writing, or find out how to gain recognition for their work. Graduate students and postdocs can make valuable connections that may lead to their next position.? After introductions, each person will have about 5 minute meetings with consecutive new contacts. Dur ing this time, you can exchange information and ask questions. When time is up, you select the next person to talk to. By the end of the event, each participant will have had meaningful interactions with over half a dozen colleagues and the opportunity to meet many more. It’s that simple!? JUST-B Networking Hour 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, West Lobby Foyer at Entrance Join us for an engaging networking hour dedicated to foster¬ing con nections among individuals from groups historically underrepresented in biophysics. Participants will include JUST-B poster presenters and members of SOBLA (the Soci¬ety for Latinoamerican Biophysicists) and Black in Biophysics, but all are welcome. This event aims to create a welcoming space for participants to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and build meaningful relationships that can enhance their profes sional journeys. Exhibitor Presentation Impetux Optics SL 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm, Room 404AB Force Spectroscopy and Micro-Rheology Assays in Cells, Organisms, and Biomolecular Condensates with SENSOCELL Optical Tweezers: An Applications Review Discover how the SENSOCELL optical tweezers system, equipped with a calibration-free, direct force sensor, opens new frontiers in Cellular and Molecular Biophysics. In this talk we will demonstrate how SENSOCELL enables precise quantification of mechanical properties in a variety of biological contexts, from biomolecular condensates and isolated cells to more complex systems such as embryos, Zebrafish and C. elegans organisms. We will show SENSOCELL’s capability to perform detailed mechanical analysis of the intracellular medium using Creep, Stress-Relaxation, and Active Rheology assays across multiple biological systems. By employing our automated TimSom Micro-Rheology routine, SENSO CELL accurately measures the complex viscoelastic modulus (G*) across a broad frequency range, spanning five orders of magnitude. This flex ibility allows researchers to observe mechanical transitions in real-time,
revealing key changes in cells or protein condensates that reflect biologi cal processes like maturation or aging. The platform also provides unparalleled insights into cell membrane mechanics and molecular interactions through tether pulling, single molecule stretching, and particle-cell or cell-cell interaction assays. In our presentation, we will showcase applications that measure critical parameters such as membrane tension propagation, and receptor mediated adhesion forces. The platform also provides unparalleled insights into cell membrane mechanics and molecular interactions through tether pulling, single molecule stretching, and particle-cell or cell-cell interaction assays. In our presentation, we will showcase applications that measure critical parameters such as membrane tension propagation, and receptor mediated adhesion forces. Finally, we will demonstrate how SENSOCELL, designed as a modular add-on for inverted microscopes, seamlessly integrates with fluo rescence imaging techniques like Spinning Disk Confocal and epi fluorescence. This customizable setup allows researchers to capture high-resolution data and conduct complex analyses tailored to specific experimental needs. Equipped with a cutting-edge optical manipulation module and ad vanced force spectroscopy capabilities, the SENSOCELL platform is an invaluable asset for advancing research in Cell Mechanobiology, Molecu lar Biophysics, and Soft Matter Physics, and has already contributed to numerous high-impact scientific publications. Speaker Oriol Nos Aguilà, CEO, Impetux Optics SL Dinner Meet-Ups 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm, West Lobby/Society Booth Interested in making new acquaintances and experiencing the cuisine of Los Angeles? Meet at the Society Booth each evening Sunday through Tuesday at 6:00 PM, where a BPS member will coordinate dinner at a local restaurant. In addition to the general Dinner Meet-Up groups, there will be addi tional meet-ups for different groups and focus topics. Additional groups may be added, and dates may be subject to change. Check the app for the latest information. Attendees are responsible for covering their individual expenses. Awards and 2025 Biophysical Society Lecture 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm, Concourse Hall PRESENTATION OF AWARDS 8:00 pm No Abstract 8:30 pm FROM CLAMSHELLS TO CLEFTS: THE MOLECULAR BASIS OF SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION . Eric Gouaux Reception and Dance 9:30 pm - 11:59 pm, Marriott, Diamond Ballroom Reception and Quiet Room 9:30 pm - 11:59 pm, Marriott, Gold Ballroom
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