BPS2025 Full Program

MONDAY POSTER SESSIONS 1:45 PM–3:45 PM , West Exhibit Hall


Below is the list of poster presentations for Monday of abstracts submitted by October 1. The list of late abstracts scheduled for Monday is available in the Online Addendum, and those posters can be viewed on boards beginning with LB. Posters should be mounted beginning at 6:00 PM on Sunday and removed by 5:30 PM on Monday evening. Posters will be on view until 10:00 PM the night before presentation. Poster numbers refer to the program order of abstracts as they appear in the online Abstracts Issue. Board numbers indicate where boards are located in the Exhibit Hall. Odd-Numbered Boards 1:45 PM–2:45 PM | Even-Numbered Boards 2:45 PM–3:45 PM

Board Numbers


B1 - B32 B33 - B51 B52 - B83 B84 - B99

Protein Structure and Conformation II Protein Structure, Prediction, and Design I Protein-Small Molecule Interactions I

Protein Assemblies II

B100 - B126 B127 - B156 B157 - B181 B182 - B207 B208 - B223 B224 - B247 B248 - B264 B265 - B273 B274 - B294 B295 - B308 B309 - B319 B320 - B344 B345 - B369 B370 - B398 B399 - B422 B423 - B437 B438 - B464 B465 - B467 B468 - B471 B472 - B481 B482 - B500 B501 - B528 B529 - B563 B564 - B592 B593 - B607

Membrane Protein Dynamics I Intrinsically Disordered Proteins II

Condensates: Physical Properties and Modeling II

DNA Structure and Dynamics Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions II Membrane Physical Chemistry II

Membrane Dynamics I

Protein-Lipid Interactions: Structures


Excitation-Contraction Coupling Intracellular Organelle Dynamics Voltage-Gated K Channels II

Ligand-Gated Channels I

Membrane Pumps, Transporters, and Exchangers I Ion Channels, Pharmacology, and Disease I


Cell Mechanics, Mechanosensing, and Motility II Cytoskeletal-based Intracellular Transport Novel Techniques for Systems and Synthetic Biology

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Electron Microscopy I Molecular Dynamics II

Computational Methods and Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Bioinformatics for Inference

Optical Microscopy and Superresolution Imaging II


It is the responsibility of the poster presenters to remove print materials from the board after their presentations. Please do not leave materials or belongings under poster boards or in the poster area. Posters will not be collected or stored for pick-up at a later time. The Biophysical Society is not responsible for any articles left in the poster area.


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