BPS2025 Full Program
SUNDAY POSTER SESSIONS 1:45 PM–3:45 PM , West Exhibit Hall
Below is the list of poster presentations for Sunday of abstracts submitted by October 1. The list of late abstracts scheduled for Sunday is available in the Online Addendum, and those posters can be viewed on boards beginning with LB. Posters should be mounted beginning at 6:00 PM on Saturday and removed by 5:30 PM on Sunday evening. Posters will be on view until 10:00 PM the night before presentation. Poster numbers refer to the program order of abstracts as they appear in the online Abstract Issue. Board numbers indicate where boards are located in the Exhibit Hall. Odd-Numbered Boards 1:45 PM–2:45 PM | Even-Numbered Boards 2:45 PM–3:45 PM
Board Numbers
B1 - B31 B32 - B54 B55 - B84 B85 - B111 B112 - B139 B140 - B162 B163 - B183 B184 - B218 B219 - B239 B240 - B266 B267 - B285 B286 - B306 B307 - B319 B320 - B331 B332 - B365 B366 - B385 B386 - B410 B411 - B417 B418 - B428 B429 - B432 B433 - B455 B456 - B469 B470 - B489 B490 - B493 B494 - B504 B505 - B508 B509 - B536 B537 - B554 B555 - B566 B567 - B583
Protein Structure and Conformation I
Protein Assemblies I
Protein Dynamics and Allostery I Membrane Protein Structures I Intrinsically Disordered Proteins I
Condensates: Physical Properties and Modeling I
Ribosomes and Translation
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions I Membrane Physical Chemistry I
Membrane Active Peptides
Membrane Structure I
Membrane Receptors and Signal Transduction
Calcium Signaling Muscle Regulation
Voltage-Gated Na Channels Voltage-Gated K Channels I
Ion Channel Regulatory Mechanisms I
Anion Channels
Skeletal Muscle Mechanics, Structure, and Regulation Smooth Muscle Mechanics, Structure, and Regulation Microtubules, Structure, Dynamics, and Associated Proteins
Cell Mechanics, Mechanosensing, and Motility I
Modeling of Biological Systems: Molecular Systems Biology
Computational Neuroscience
EPR and NMR: Spectroscopy and Imaging Diffraction and Scattering Techniques
Molecular Dynamics I
Optical Microscopy and Superresolution Imaging I Optical Spectroscopy: CD, UV-VIS, Vibrational, Fluorescence
Micro- and Nanotechnology
It is the responsibility of the poster presenters to remove print materials from the board after their presentations. Please do not leave materials or belongings under poster boards or in the poster area. Posters will not be collected or stored for pick-up at a later time. The Biophysical Society is not responsible for any articles left in the poster area.
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